Mowing long grass with Jim Penman

Jim Penman

“What happens is we get a lot of complaints and I know that because I read all the complaints everyday about long grass being cut to look very, very shabby. And what some franchisees do, they run over it without a catcher and it looks awful. Let’s say it takes two or three goes to make it look good. Well, I mowed lawns 15 years and I want to show you how you do it with a mower in one cut to make it clean and pick up all the grass and it’s a remarkably quick and easy process. This is how it’s done.

The basic idea is that you mow in and then don’t let the revs die down. So you push until the revs start to fall off, pull it backwards. That double cuts the grass. Then you mow to the right and you overlap so that only the right hand side of the mower cuts the grass that way picks up more easily and all the grass comes back into the catcher. Then you have your grass tub behind you, You dump it in there , then you keep on going in Just sort of send me a circle. Now this yard here, if you look at it, it will probably take me about an hour to do, but I’ve got a job which is going to be very happy with, unlike just running over it without a catcher and it’s not hard work because it’s more adjusted to picking up.”

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